What this web site is about:
I purchased this domain name a few months back, and have been too busy creating another web site to do anything with it. In fact, a have not decided WHAT to do with it, yet.
I have been getting my e-mail at netzero.net since I went online, as you probably know, and it has always been FREE. A few months ago, they decided to limit everyone to 40 free hours a month. That was ok, as I had another ISP to use for browsing, but now, as of August, 2001, they are limiting everyone to only 10 free hours each month. That isn't even enough time for me to check my e-mail every day.
So, for the present, I have decided to find a free host for this domain name and use it just for e-mail. I will decide what to do with it when I have more time.
the Texican